Garden Square or Length: Pro Tips For Landscaping


You have the chance to have a garden in length or square but its layout poses some problems? Do not panic, two landscapers , Claire Delahaye Slowgarden agency, and Xavier de Chirac, give their advice to make the most of these square meters of greenery.

Designing your garden as a pro requires knowledge of its qualities but also its defects to better highlight the first and remedy the latter. How to sublimate and develop a square garden or in length? Which plants prefer for each other? What errors to avoid? The landscaping professionals answer these questions. Garden owners, in length or square, take note of these wise tips!

1. Gardens in length and square: define their advantages and disadvantages to better exploit them

For the landscape architect Xavier de Chirac, a garden in length, whatever its surface, makes it possible to play quite easily with the perspectives and the depth, while the square garden orients a generally more central composition. Claire Delahaye of the Slowgarden agency, which also offers remote planning advice on plans and photos, adds that the square gardens are easier to develop, having the advantage of being distributed by several sides, in the manner of a courtyard or patio .

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According to Xavier de Chirac, the main disadvantage of gardens in length or squares lies in the fact that they can present optical deformations more or less pleasing to the eye, according to their proportions and the place where one places oneself. Thus a square garden may seem rectangular and vice versa. Rather than thinking of them as constraints, we must take advantage of them by exploiting them or, on the contrary, by erasing them. Exploiting these deformations consists in playing with the width of the aisles: the finer it is, the more the space seems narrow and the perspective is accelerated. On the contrary, to erase the deformations, it is better to visually circumvent the field using for example a tree or a sculptural object in the foreground.

The square garden orients a more central composition.


2. The mistakes to avoid when planning a garden in length or square

Whatever the shape of the garden, the landscaper recommends avoiding to create so-called “panorama” gardens, without depth, but on the contrary to play on the levels (through low walls, stairs, etc …) that bring a certain dynamics in the garden. Claire Delahaye meanwhile, recommends not to freeze the garden by too defined arrangements: very linear movements from one point to another, or edges too drawn. Frame the garden, yes, freeze, no! Moreover, in a square garden, Claire advises not to divide the length which could have the effect of accentuating it, and thus to “tamp down” the green space.

A successful garden is a raised garden, composed in several levels to give rhythm to the whole.

Xavier de Chirac

3. Highlight the benefits of gardens in length and squares

To highlight your garden, whether rectangular or square, Xavier de Chirac recommends at first to favor two or three maximum aesthetic effects (massive compounds, flower beds, etc …). The goal ? Avoid information overload and messiness. The reading of the garden will be clearer, and its layout more pleasant. It is also important to respect the harmony of the garden: to ensure that the proportions of the plants , pavement or lawn surfaces , or masonry, are perfectly adapted to the surface of the given garden. Working the full and empty games, the alternation of shadow and light, contributes to the harmony and coherence of your green space.

>> See also >> 6 small gardens that have the idea

The landscape also advises to structure the garden – without freezing it, remember – by creating for example a side aisle and delimiting, why not, the contours of the grass by a mineral border. Finally, specifically for gardens in length, when it allows it, it is wiser to create a first, second and third plan to give rhythm to its layout.

Define the contours of the grass with a mineral border.


4. Choose vegetation suitable for gardens in length or square

For Claire Delahaye, in general, square gardens tend to be more crowded than others. In fact, we can afford to use foliage said to be more fragile that will support this type of implantation. For gardens in length, it is better to break this horizontality by working on the contrary verticals: to use plants of different heights brings relief to the perspectives on the entire garden. Xavier de Chirac advises using fastigié trees, that is to say, whose branches are oriented towards the top and close to the trunk, so as to organize the green space as a frame.

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