Finding a New Home? 7 Moving Tips to Remember for Your Journey


The idea of a new house or apartment can sound very tempting. You may have spent months searching for that new abode that checks off all the items on your list. You’ve been daydreaming about setting up your new home and decorating.

Lurking in the back of your mind is that dreaded task — the actual packing up and moving of your belongings. Moving house is a great opportunity to purge everything in your home so you don’t have to move things you no longer need or want.

Sorting through all the moving tips out there to figure out what is actually beneficial can be an overwhelming task, but we’re here to help you out. We’ll give you suggestions on the top moving and packing tips, ensuring your journey to your new home is easy and smooth.

Read on for our top seven moving tips for when you’re relocating.

Happy young woman moving to new home - having fun
Happy young woman moving to new home – having fun

1. Declutter

Use this as an opportunity to rid yourself of all the knick-knacks and random items you’ve been holding onto for years. Your new house may be smaller than your current one and you don’t want unnecessary items taking up space. You will have fewer items to pack and therefore fewer things to unpack.

Set up various boxes that include what you want to keep, what you want to donate or sell, and what you want to throw away. Go room by room so you don’t overwhelm yourself. If you haven’t touched or thought about something in over a year, you likely don’t need to keep it.

If you have a lot of items that you need to throw away or if some of them are too big for you to haul away, look into hiring a house clearance service. They can help you clear out spaces as well as dispose of trash and unwanted items.

2. Plan, Plan, Plan

Write down all the tasks you need to do the days leading up to and the day of your move. You can find downloadable lists on the internet that have it already laid out for you. No detail is too small — write down everything. If you pack something in a random box and think you’ll remember it later, write it down just in case.

Keep all the paper copies of moving materials that you need in a file folder. You never know when you’ll need to pull up a copy of your old lease or electricity agreement for deposit purposes. Stay organized to avoid grief and headaches.

3. Pack Efficiently

As soon as you know you’re moving, start packing. Set aside at least one hour a day to pack and go room by room. Pack away items that you won’t need until after you move first. Make sure you pack heavy items in small boxes so they are easy to carry.

Repurpose some of your household items in your packing process. When packing breakable kitchen items, use dish towels to wrap them instead of purchasing bubble wrap. Pack items into suitcases and hampers.

Label your boxes as detailed as possible. Don’t just put “miscellaneous” on a box. If it is a bunch of random items, list them out.

4. Book Ahead of Time

Book your moving truck and movers (if you’re using them) as soon as possible. You don’t want to wait until a week before only to find out that the size truck you need is sold out and the movers are booked up. The prices could also go up the closer to your moving date you get.

If you are using movers, choose someone who is designated to direct them where to go. This will avoid any confusion on the day of moving.

5. Loading the Moving Truck

When putting boxes into the moving truck, make sure boxes from the same room are packed together. All the kitchen boxes should be loaded together, all the bathroom boxes, and so on. Unpacking the moving truck will be far easier when all the boxes go to the same destination.

Pack the heaviest items into the truck first. Start with your couches and mattresses, then finish with more lightweight items such as side and coffee tables. Make sure you have packing blankets for when you stack furniture or lay it on its side to avoid any damage.

You don’t want to rush when packing the moving truck. The last thing you want to hear is crashing coming from the back as you’re driving to your new home. Make sure every item is secure.

6. Delegate Tasks

Everyone should have a job and know what they’re doing. One person should be in charge and delegate tasks as needed. Certain people can be in charge of unloading boxes and heavy items and others can be focused on unpacking.

Unpacking and getting settled will be far easier if everyone knows the plan. Make sure you make your beds first so you can go to sleep without worrying about making the bed at the end of a long day.

7. Have Plenty of Food and Water

Moving and unpacking can be an exhausting process. You’ll be working all day and suddenly realize you haven’t eaten in six hours. Make sure you have lots of bottles of water on hand for yourself and those helping you move. Provide snacks and meals for everyone involved.

Look up restaurants that deliver ahead of time and get everyone’s order so you can quickly place a dinner order before everyone gets too famished.

Moving Tips

Being prepared is half the battle when getting ready to move. Some things might seem silly to prepare for when you think it, but you’ll be patting yourself on the back that you had the foresight to do it. Following as many moving tips as you can will help you avoid any unexpected disasters on moving day.

For more information and tips about moving and finding your new dream home, check out some of our other articles.

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