Tips for Creating a Home Office


If you’re one of the growing numbers now finding themselves working remotely, you will be in need of a home office. At first, it may seem pragmatic to manage your daily workload from a laptop, either on a multipurpose table or moved from room to room. This is a common set-up for those who need to complete basic tasks and foresee working from home as a short-term undertaking. However, it is not sustainable.

To sustain optimum productivity and enthusiasm for a job role over a long period of time, a professional and appropriate working environment is required. As many offices begin downsizing and workers begin operating from home in the wake of coronavirus, it is expected that staff adapt to such expectations.


One immediate issue with working remotely is that a home may be required to have access to equipment that, otherwise, was communal. This could be even as simple as a printer but it also extends to furniture that many take for granted in the workplace, such as an office chair and desk. Without access to these in the home office, certain tasks will become more difficult.

The demand for office equipment has increased during lockdown and suppliers have only just begun to catch up. Items, such as computer monitors, have actually jumped in price. It is important to talk to your employer and find out what will be necessary for your role and what they can do to help or subsidize your purchases. They may even be happy to offer you equipment.


A dedicated working space is important, not only for your work life but also for your home life. If your career takes place in the dining room, it becomes harder to relax later on, as people generally find it difficult to separate from their work mentality. Building a room specifically for your work will also allow for a consistently professional and controlled environment, meaning no more Zoom calls from your bedroom or family and friends interrupting.

Some remote workers are going as far as to build their own private office in their garden, creating a high-quality professional environment that is separate from their home inside log cabins and garden sheds.


Another asset of established office spaces that many tend to take for granted is the environment or office atmosphere. It only takes for one particularly cold day or for the neighbours to begin their own home renovations for our workday and video-presentation to be ruined.

When choosing and putting together your home office, it is paramount that you consider how all seasons and potential environmental changes might affect your ability to work. A quiet, moderately warm space that is well-lit is ideal.


As more residents begin working from home, the value of equipment kept inside rises. More people are storing valuable computer equipment, among other assets, that makes for a significant loss should they be lost or damaged.

Ensure that your office space is safe and secure, as well as insured. When seeking insurance, it is advised to speak to your employer too, as they may be able to subsidise your insurance costs if the equipment belongs to their company.

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