What are the signs your hot water heater is going out?


Hot water heaters become increasingly necessary during the winter months. Also, many people like taking a hot water bath after a tough and tiring day at work to refresh and rejuvenate.

Generally, problems in water heaters develop gradually. And after a point of time, the device may fail without proper maintenance. Additionally, there might be sudden problems in water heaters like external leaks or heating element issues.

Plumbing experts generally guide customers during water heater installation regarding the care and maintenance of the appliance. They also alert customers to check for signs that the hot water heater is actually going out. Some of these signs include:

Unusual smelling hot water – If the hot water smells or tastes unusual, it is a clear indication that the water heater needs attention. The water may smell like rotten eggs or have a metallic flavor. These smells and tastes result from corrosion taking place inside the tank. The problem should be addressed immediately if you want to save the water heater.

Discolored and gritty water – Is the water coming from the hot water heater gritty or discolored? If yes, it likely means that the anode rod in the heater has corroded massively, offering no protection to the tank. The muddy or gritty water is due to the corroded materials. Replace the anode immediately for enhancing the longevity of the water tank.

Usual sounds from the water heater – Generally, water heaters operate noiselessly. If you hear the water heater making some weird and unusual sounds, it is a matter of concern. Popping and rumbling sounds are indications of problems with the water heater. These sounds take place when air gets trapped within various sediments and mineral deposits in the tank. Sediment accumulation should be addressed with regular flushing of the system. Some sounds might remain even after flushing, indicating that there is some other kind of issue.

Inadequate hot water – This is one of the most direct indications that the water heater is going out. When required, the heater is not able to produce an acceptable amount of hot water. Often, the decrease in hot water might be due to the accumulation of sediment at the bottom of the hot water tank. The sediment creates a kind of barrier, which prevents the heating elements from heating the water. Flushing the tank annually is a great step for keeping these kinds of problems at bay.

 Leaking tank – Age, lack of maintenance, and various other factors can contribute to small leaks in water heaters. Generally, repair of leaking water heaters is not advisable. It is recommended to replace the water heater in such a situation.

With proper and timely maintenance, hot water heater repairs can be avoided. Call us at Four Seasons Plumbing for everything related to hot water heaters.

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